Our Approach
About Us
We are Racheli (34) and Naffi Goldman (43).
Loving parents to Batya Hannah Goldman
Our Story
Meet Some of the Team
Some of the Doctors responsible for saving Batya's life......and keeping her well.....
Dr. Irit Tavori
Paediatric Specialist Doctor
Dr. Tavori has been by our side since Batya came home.. A leading specialist in intensive care paediatric medicine.. and the most caring doctor one could ever wish for...
Dr. Tal
Paediatric Specialist Doctor
Dr. Tal has been by our side since Batya was born.. A leading specialist in intensive care paediatric medicine.. and the most caring doctor one could ever wish for... no praise and thanks could be adequate.
Dr. Omer Bar Yosef
Specialist paediatric Neurologist
Dr. Bar Yosef has been by our side since Batya was born.. A leading specialist inĀ paediatric neurological medicine.. and the most caring doctor one could ever wish for... no praise and thanks could be adequate.
Dr. Marina Rubenstein
Chief Doctor Intensive Care
Dr. Marina has been by our side since Batya was born... Dr. Rubenstein has fought to keep Batya alive. On many occasions she has saved Batyas' life... Dr. Rubenstein is probably the leading intensive care paediatric doctor in Israel and probably in the whole middle east.. ...i am not equipped to sing her praises or give thanks adequately.....
Dr. Itay Pesach
Director of Childrens Hospital
Dr. Pesach has been by our side since Batya was born... Dr. Pesach has fought to keep Batya alive...i am not equipped to sing his praises adequately.....
Dr. Yaakov Zuberman
Specialist Paediatric Neurosurgeon
Dr. Zubberman has been by our side since Batya was born... A leading expert in complicated neurosurgery.....i am not equipped to sing his praises adequately.....
Prof. Gideon Porat
Chief of Intensive Care
Prof. Porat has been by our side since the beginning... his valuable advice, experience and outstanding intensive care unit is soley down to him... Once again no thanks and praise is adequate..
Prof. Guy Ben Simon
Specialist Eye Surgeon
Prof. Ben Simon has been by our side since the beginning... his valuable advice, experience and outstanding eye care for Batya .... no thanks and praise is adequate..
Prof. Shlomo Constintini
Specialist Paediatric Neurosurgeon
Prof. Constantini..... his valuable advice, experience and outstanding direction and care for Batya .... no thanks and praise is adequate..
Please Help Batya
Please help us to care and look after Batya....